#152: Deana, Tommy and a Bee

Deana Meaux loved reading colorful rhyming books to her three children. She decided to write a story of her own and that story became a book. “I Just want to be ME! Says Achoo the Bee” is that book. Deana, our friend Tommy Deblieux, and I had a great conversation about the book, Jesus and much more. Please order a copy of Deana’s book through her website www.AchooTheBee.com

If you would like to learn more about the host, David Wooton, you can find him at https://davidwooton.com 

While you’re there pick up a copy of his book “Meeting Homeless Jesus, A Journey from Believing to Knowing.” And don’t forget the creator of this podcast Grant Alexander and his book “Profiting from Your Passion” is available on Amazon.com

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